Monday, 27 August 2018

Room 5: Tuakana-teina relationships

Tuakana/teina is an important part of Maoritanga, in which refers to the relationship between an older (tuakana) person and a younger (teina) person. Within teaching and learning contexts, this can take a variety of forms: Peer to peer – teina teaches teina, tuakana teaches tuakana. 
Thank you to our awesome buddy class Room 20 for being Aroha 5's tuakana. We sure had fun building new relationships and learning alongside each other. For instance learning a new Tokelauan dance for our Term 4 cultural performance. . .
This cultural experience provided an opportunity for Aroha 5 to develop on their fine and gross motor skills through exploring the series of steps by moving side to side in beat of the song, staying focus by stomping to the rhythm , expressing each other's feelings and working as a team. 

Saturday, 4 August 2018

Room 5: NZEI Community Action Day

Thank you to all our parents and whanau that supported Rowandale today in preparation of the NZEI teacher's strike day. 
It was great to hear your valuable voices. We hoped you enjoyed the free hot drinks sponsored by NZEI Manurewa branch.
" Kua tae te wa! It is time!"

Friday, 3 August 2018

Room 5: Kia Orana! Meitaki Maata !

What a fantastic memorable week it has been for Aroha 5 and the rest of Rowandale fanau in support of celebrating Cook Islands language week. 
Meitaki maata to everyone that has made this week so special in support of  keeping Te Reo Kuki Airani alive.

 Learning a new language through cultural practices demonstrates showing respect of another culture and exploring one's own personal world. 

 Aroha 5 surely had fun exploring Cook Island culture learning alongside each other such as counting from 1 to 10, dancing to fast and slow beats of music,  giving it a go in pronouncing the colours, singing the National anthem, colouring their own Cook Island flag along with recognition of symbols and patterns.

Our final day celebrating Cook Islands language week!
Here is a sneak peek of our Cook Island school assembly.
Beginning with an opening prayer, welcoming our new teachers and students, group performances from team Aroha, Tumanako and Whakapono.  Along with a special performance from four of our lovely teachers. Followed by around the world drum dance, there sure was a lot of hips and knees shaking side to side in beat of the drums. Ending with closing prayer and a delicious feast made with so much love. 

Room 5: Wahoo! It is FMS time!

In support of health and physical education,  on a weekly basis Aroha 5 team up with Aroha 3 to have fun experiencing fundamental movement skills lead by Counties Manukau Sport's coaches. 
This week was all about focusing on foot dribbling. 
Starting with following simple instructions in warming up and gathering into groups of 2, 4 and 6. Followed by jumping like a frog making the sound of a frog and having fun testing their eye, hand co-ordinations and gross motor skills. 
" Ka mau te wehi tamariki ma! 
Well done Aroha 5 and Aroha 3 for carefully balancing a ball on a cone, dribbling the ball around a cone and back to the start. 
Awesome team work. Keep it up!"