Monday, 30 July 2018

Aroha 5: In celebration of the opening ceremony for Cook Island's language week!

What a fantastic start for week 2 for Aroha 5, beginning with participating at school assembly.
 In celebration of the opening for Cook Island language week. Meitaki to all our Cook Islands Maori school families, friends and wider community. We totally enjoyed embracing the beautiful culture and learning alongside each other... 

15 Facts shared at the Opening Ceremony

  1. Rakahanga aka Tapuahua - found at the top of the Cook Islands group
  2. Penrhyn - Tongareva
  3. Manihiki - Te fuinga on niva. Known for its black pearls
  4. Pukapuka - Te ulu o te watu
  5. Nassau - Te nuku o ngalewu
  6. Suwarrow - no one lives on this land except for a caretaker 6 months of the year
  7. Palmerston - Pamati. They have no Cook Islands traditional language, they only speak English
  8. Manuae - not far from Aitutaki. No one lives on this Island as well
  9. Takutea - considered part of Atiu. It has been designated a wildlife sanctuary so no one is allowed to live on it.
  10. Mitiaro - Nukuroa - known for their big eels
  11. Mauke - Akatokamanava. They have the best maire for ei/lei
  12. Atiu - Enuamanu. Land of the birds and coffee
  13. Aitutaki - Araura Enua. with its beautiful lagoons
  14. Rarotonga - Tumutevarovaro, capital of the Cook Islands
  15. Mangaia - Aua Enua. Have beautiful caves

To end this lovely special day Aroha 5 had fun exploring Art by creating their own Ma'ani' ei katu 
(head garland) by using a range of resources such as different coloured flowers, paper and glue.

As part of the Cook Island's culture, the ei katu is known to be used for generations to mark special occasions, special people and special objects...

Well done Aroha 5, so proud of you all in completing your task and showing your PRIDE values.

1 comment:

  1. #MeitakiMaata / Thank You so much #Aroha5 for this #Pakau / Awesome blog about #CookIslandsLanguageWeek at @RowandaleSchool ... #KiaManuia / All the best!
