Here at Rowandale, as part of our Te Tiriti based practice and bi-cultural curriculum.
Aroha 5 incorporates learning Te Reo Māori by having fun learning and respecting tikanga practices such as saying the karakia mo te kai.
In fact two weeks into term 2 our students have been awesome listening carefully to the sounds of the words. Followed by every week two students were given the opportunity to take the lead in leading the karakia. So proud of Aroha 5 for taking turns and supporting each other. In which has boosted their confidence in now saying the karakia without looking at the words.
Well done Aroha 5!
Karakia mo te Kai
E te Atua Whakapainga ēnei kai
Hei oranga mō ō mātou tinana
Whāngaia hoki ō mātou wairua
ki te taro o te ora
Ko Ihu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki
Ake, ake, ake, Amine
Dear Lord Bless this food
For the goodness of our bodies
Feeding our spiritual needs also with the bread of life
Jesus Christ, our Lord
Forever and ever
Philip and Lucy taking the lead for Karakia mo te kai!
I love this. Miss Lucy so much